Friday, March 4, 2011

The dismantling and dissection of "Cool", PART I

Hello Readers.

14.29% of a fortnight ago, the band fellas and I hung out and reviewed new material for the new album. We progressed into watching YouTube stuff and partied because we’re cool. Work suffered yesterday. I am truly blessed with having friends that are really “cool” and usually winning. Well, I was looking to get some sleep for the first time this week but they decided to hang out way past my healthy, self-imposed curfew. “Cool” people call the shots. Bobby D actually cracked a few fresh beers well after I had announced that I would be retreating to drift into sweet sleep. Bob is “cool”. This attack on my well being caused Mr. Tardy to roar in laughter and, you guessed it! He went on to enjoy yet another fresh beer with Bobby D!!! Or two?...can’t quite remember. But wow, they are painfully cool (I flatter them in hopes of not having my lunch-money-tax rate increased). Truly, I am tired as I write this post but, rather than get beat up, I figured it was better to join in and be accepted into the party they had started. Neighbors were invited over and we had a real hoot of a time. Currently, I can’t keep my eyes open but, that’s better than taking an ass whipping from “cool” kids.

Here’s a glimpse of what it’s like talking to a “cool” person:

ZFJ: “Hey man. I need to go to sleep, get the f*ck out of my house.”
Bob D: “Haha! Nope! I just opened a fresh beer.”
Rich: “hahahahaha”
Bob D: “hahahahahahaaa”
ZFJ: “Okay man, that’s cool”
Bob D: “Hahaaa…I think I’ll open another fresh beer!!”
Rich: “hahahahahaha”

And so on, and so forth.

Bob D, seeking approval from Rich, increased the intensity of his chop-busting, sleep depriving tactics to attempt to prolong the favorable feelings of earning Rich’s approval and therefore, his acceptance. Bobby at that moment was “cool” and felt important.

So, what is “cool”? We commonly use the word to describe a person, place, event or thing that is favorable to us. In the previous example of a conversation with “cool” people, “cool” is used to describe agreement –agreement based on fear of an ass whipping. Or, am I using the term “ass whipping” as a replacement for “lose their approval and therefore, the feeling of acceptance I so desire” in the statement? Most humans have in common that we seek acceptance, to feel important and feel loved. We want to be “cool”. Some people will lie, cheat, steal or even pretend to be someone or something they’re not in order to fit in and gain the approval of their peer group. The fashion, music and other specifics change from group to group but the principle is the same. People want to be “cool”.

In conclusion, it seems like “cool” is based in the opinions of others and to be “cool” is to have favorable opinions from others. What is really “cool” is when you don’t give a fuck (I’m not even going to reference Charlie Sheen here). To further enforce how cool it is when you do not care if you have the favorable opinions of others, the artists who’s videos are displayed below are cool because they know they are. They are rare people, "cooler" than you or I, who don’t need you to validate their "coolness" ...and, they don't need your shit. But, they are different brands of “cool”. One of them just brings forth what is in their soul and the other seems to be on a mission of some type. Therefore, I think one of them is “cooler” than the other. Maybe it's just due to the genres??? I’ll let you be the judge.

One more thing, how long did it take for you to get annoyed at the use of “cool” in this post?



The Immortal Hollywood Gman said...

I hope that i'm not breaking the angle of no one commenting on your post. as this particular angle is as tired as you allegedly just described that you were. but i'd be behooved not to mention to you about all the free beer that you benefitted from that others paid for. again, you are the big winner.

Unknown said...

Z Man,

I kicked in $10 for that beer. You son-of-a

Thanks for the comments jerk. You know, back in my day...