Wednesday, November 30, 2011


"I'm head of the class
I'm popular
I'm a quarter back
I'm popular
My mom says I'm a catch
I'm popular
I'm never last picked
I'm a cheerleader chick

I'm the party star
I'm popular
I've got my own car
I'm popular
I'll never get caught
I'm popular
I'm a teachers pet
I make football bets."

No reader, this is not a post about the song "Popular" from Nada Surf. It's a lesson in how important it is to be popular and It's a quick rant about politicians and politics in general, including a National presidential candidate and a person I know who currently is "in office" locally. Politics exist in our lives on every level. Politics are not about doing a good job, instilling change or improving things. Politics are a silly, perverted popularity contests won by those who are the best "convincers". In a job. In a family. In a peer group. And in government, of course.

We repeatedly get to hear all sorts of political "stances" along their campaign trails like: They'll will instill actual change. They're not proponents of "Big Business". They'll make things better for us. They'll lower taxes. They'll improve health care. They'll work to lower the deficit --Insert whatever words you like. It's only that, words, to appeal to what we Americans so desire. It's a silly, redundant, three ring circus with all efforts to get elected, and to get "the power", if you will. Politicians don't give a shit about what their campaign missions say they will do. It's only words. No candidate would be equipped with the actual power needed to instill change when elected. No candidate is so righteous and noble that they can compel the elite establishment in this country to move. At best, they will become a notable figurehead. Political candidates know that they need to attempt to make everyone happy in order to win the election.

They know that they need to be popular.

Just words folks, from human beings just like us. Well, maybe not just like us. Unless you have teams of vested-interest campaign staffers who raise money, provide administrative support, control the media and cover up your wrong-doings along the way? Nope, they're just people who happen to be subject to the same temptations as we are. They get confused and sick like we do. They want comfort and security just like we do. They want money just like we do. They want attention just like we do. They are weak like we are, sometimes. They're not righteous. They're great public speakers who have worked with "vision" to further their careers --at all costs.

Take Republican political candidate Herman Cain for example. His brand is that of an ultra-righteous man who chased the American dream by first choosing what is "right" in his life rather than what would further his career. According to his website, he did not dream of being the President of the United States but rather, he knows the United States needs strong leadership in these times...yadda yadda yadda...I can't even finish typing it because it's all redundant bullshit. Well folks, a citizen of this country stepped forward with accusations of a 13 year, on and off and "very inappropriate" extra-marital affair with Herman Cain. I bet his wife didn't think this was too "right"? Anyway, all this action caused him to "reasses" his presidential campaign over a few days as his crew and him feel that the allegations may "cloud" in some people's minds as to whether or not they would support him going forward. You think??? I mean, shouldn't we be used to this by now?? Do we think he is "pure"??? Anyway, I really like how he said he would be "reassessing his role in the Republican race over the next few days". Meaning, Herman and his crew of pundits, pushers, press contacts and political backers would be scurrying around to gauge whether or not they could still convince the American public that he is a righteous man and whether they could still raise enough money for the campaign to be successful. Yep, lot's of scurrying around, trying to find a way --any way-- to spin this newly-surfaced information in their favor. Probably not going to happen. And he won't be missed. The next one will most likely face the same shit. And we don't care who you're banging, we're just going to vote for the most compelling orator who can "move" us anyway. We're going to vote for the one who makes us believe that he or she will actually make change...etc. Whatever, it's all silly if you think about it.

Here's a fun story of an up-and-coming local politician who I am "graced" to know personally. Names will be withheld because it's never a good thing to upset a politician. Right? So, a "righteous, man-of-his-word, noble, for-the-people" candidate won a local political seat in an election a couple years ago. But before he won his respective popularity contest, he was just a normal citizen like you and I. Here's a bit about his actual character. A girl I know is very good friends with this man. I remember her her Jack and Jill pre-wedding party and how he had confidently assured her that he had the music for the evening "covered" as well as many other organizational details of the event. Nope. He just plain didn't get things done and plain didn't bat an eye for not doing it. He was just too consumed with his life, his campaign and his "public" to do what he said he would do. I mean, her party wasn't going to affect his political campaign anyway, so it was "expendable". I provided music for the event that night and it was a great time. Additionally, I had the pleasure of working with this gentleman a few years ago in the same company and he was, let's say, a rather shitty employee. As a result of his consistent disregard for company policy --like not blowing off customers to relax at home all day-- he was fired. Upon exiting the building, he proceeded to vandalize the office with a spray painted Nazi Swastika on the wall above the doorway, complete with "fuck you" cleverly written below it. Noble.....Righteous.

There you have it reader, the actions of A true "man for the people". Unless you fire him from a job or rely on him to make good with what he has promised, of course. Point being: It's not about him per-say, it's about you knowing that it's only words. Words from political people to get you to view them in a positive light. To get more votes and get elected. To get the power and be, popular.

"I'll never get caught"



Field of Dolls Studio said...

oh politics... normally a subject that holds so little interest for me. I get so tired of the soap-opera-like drama from our "leaders".I have usually seen more integrity in a kindergarten classroom than in any political arena so it's hard to trust that our "leaders" will do what is "right"

Zero Fun John said...

Field of dolls...

Anne. I know. That's my point really. It's just funny how we get up in arms when we hear that a candidate is banging someone other than their wife/husband...or some other "scandal". The media loves it and "we" hate it. But it goes on with all of them it seems. They're all selling themselves as the righteous-tough-change-making-for-the-people-leader-that-America needs-right-now candidate. They're all just selling for votes and looking out for themselves, in my opinion. With respect to high levels of responsibility and decision making that eventually will come with holding high offices...