So, in keeping with my tradition of being on the cutting edge of information and fashion, of course I have to write a bit about America’s former #1 terrorist, Osama Bin Laden.
Regardless of my opinion and any other facts/rumors/truths/conspiracy theories about the killing of Osama Bin Laden by American Military forces in Abbottabad, this article from the NY Times paints an amazing movie scenario:
I’m betting that we’ll get a big time Hollywood movie out of this within two years! Anyone care to place a wager on this timeline?
Anyway, I’ve participated in many deep conversations over the past few days of both blind patriotism and, of course, conspiracy. I’ve fed both thought processes equally with available information. Shit, I’ve read so many reports online, watched viewpoints from CNN (Democratic backing) and Fox News (Republican backing) and have found articles to either validate or answer my “questions”. The information is readily available and was seemingly already in place to address my questions as if “they” knew I was going to ask!!! It seems like every effort was made to handle our questions in advance. Through the massive, powerful and responsive media “grapevine” of America and the world, we “commoners” have at our fingertips so much information to support just about ANY argument, if we seek diligently enough. For the OBL events, we don’t even need to seek as the news is right in our faces, blazing forth from every possible media orifice, complete with images of 9-1-1 to pull at the ole heartstrings.
For a good read on this sort of thing check out the book War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us To Death, by Norman Solomon
“The most convincing lie is one sandwiched between two truths.” (Various sources)
Maybe so, but I ultimately chose patriotism for my train of belief for this event.
Despite the questions and debates we may have about what actually happened and why, we “common” folk are not privy to “First Cause”. For those of us who are unaware, First Cause is a philosophical argument used to prove the existence of “God” by the fact that we cannot prove what existed before the creation of The Universe.
Basically, we “commoners” will never be privy to First Cause with regards to these type of events (i.e. The actual realities, raw information and events). The information in it’s raw and truthful form is only available to an elite few in progressing levels of "elite-ship" and must be “edited” for the common citizen to swallow. We can debate and speculate all we like but we’re only going to get the information we have been allowed to get. “They” must get a kick out of how much we talk and how little we actually know…but then again, that’s the been whole game anyway: Put the right spin on something and get the “right” result.
My point? Rather than seek and long for the “eternal truth of things”, endlessly seeking raw, original and truthful answers, we should just choose what we want to believe. Once chosen just stick with that. It's as good as anything else. We should then get back to our real life’s work of taking care of people in OUR circle and work to find fulfillment and happiness for these “privy” people and ourselves.
ZFJ- I choose to believe that he's dead. I also choose to believe that it doesn't make us any safer. I also choose to believe these things at face value. That is the choice I have made. Thank you for the links!
Shit brother, I could have just used your comment as the whole post!
Fortunately, I am so long winded that I was able to babble on/drivel for a decent posting!
I believe he's dead... That being said: While people have been cheering his death around the world, the next screwball leader has been cheering loudest because he or she now has an opportunity to seize power... The cycle will continue...
Bernard Bernard
Yessss...the cycle of doom will continue! But the evil-doers shall heed this: ZFJ is a level 15Wizard King!!!!
That should temper their ambition...
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