Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jesus for Prisoners, Rock and Roll Confidential and of course, Fashion

"Yeah...oh yeah....oooh yeah!" Oh, *ahem*...pardon me readers, I was just working on some new lyrics for a song called "Oh No". Hahaa! Well then, on to today's important business of fashion, humor and intrigue.


Seriously, sometimes in life a person, place, event, or whatever else touches your life unexpectedly and in ways you couldn't have imagined previously. Kind of like finding Jesus. "Jesus for Prisoners", if you will (thanks Soffansays!). Sometimes they/it just seem to find you almost like they/it somehow knew you needed to be "saved" by them. Well, just when I felt like there was no more humor in my world -I'm referencing the kind of humor that can actually debilitate a person through laughter- Mr. Matt Silberstein exposed me to "Rock and Roll Confidential.Com". Because of his latest humanitarian gesture in my life (i.e., I doubt he will see a "CBR-STR Ranking" any time in the near future.

There. Now YOU are exposed to this wonderful tool to enhance your life through laughter. The giving just keeps on going here at ZFJ Blog! Don't you fucking forget it (swears are so fucking, shit cool).

Wow. Musicians surely can be a silly bunch at times but these bad-asses have set a new standard. Last evening I was enlightened by these "documentaries" about a few bands that know they are heading for the big time. Their insight and rhetoric is brilliant and they are truly inspiring.



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