Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Narcissistic Vision of Zero Fun John

Before I begin, I’d like to thank the thousands who read this blog for not being as good as I am –at anything.

So, I was checking the Facebook newsfeed while at work (like you were) and I come across some playful status updates like “Crediting one’s self for the renaissance of a complex dynamic, such as a “scene” of sorts, only perpetuates a narcissistic personality…and, it’s hilarious” or “Hahahahahahahaha Oh Western Mass. Sometimes you are too adorable” Noted AND appreciated …Well, here goes.

If you have 4 minutes to read my post "scene Queens and the 25 minute divide", then, proceed to and read the post "A Palpable Air of Narcissism: Local Music At It's Most Deplorable". This post will make more sense if you read them in that order.

The post is well written but missed the point completely. When I mention things like a “scene” or offer my point of view on things it doesn’t mean anything other than that Now, just because I try to do things with my band to create more of benefit for everyone involved rather than just to honor myself or proceed with delusions of grandeur and entitlement, doesn’t really point to narcissism in my opinion. Shit. I didn’t even insinuate that we are better than the next band. Plus, anyone who knows me realizes that I can’t even say narcissism quickly three times in a row. For the record, I never even mentioned my band and actually referenced bands who I respected and had a lot of good times with (one of them was his former band). This from a time when we all felt involved in a complex and dynamic social consciousness that some would call a “Scene”. That’s it. The blog writer clearly has a bit of an issue with my band or my opinion and, I wish I could be more flattered, but his opinion never held any weight with me or most people I know. No delusions. No ego. No crediting one’s self for anything. Just weighing in with thoughts that seem to be shared by at least a few others, I am not concerned if there is a scene or not.

Now, on to the actual topic of “vision” for a band or an artist. There’s a huge difference between musicians actually working towards a vision and musicians with fantasies about their place in music (or wherever). You learn music, write some songs, some people like it, they tell you how great you are, you love that, it continues for awhile, you love it more, you feel important, you feel accepted, recognized…you may even adapt an identity through it. I’m just saying, if you’re vision is to write songs and play them in your basement for friends and get drunk. Great. If your vision is to be a rock lord and tour the galaxy, that’s awesome. What I’m getting at is, whatever your vision is, it is worthwhile and relative and cannot be argued against. My observation is that most bands/musicians do not understand what they’re really “going for”. They’re just used to a lifestyle maybe? I’m talking about people that may have “failed” or just gave up and they make excuses about people that are succeeding in realizing their vision. People who fail will have the relevant excuses handy to defend why they didn’t get what they want rather than being accountable for it. All a person needs to do sometimes is step back, redefine what they see for themselves and just go to it. Vision changes as you go if you’re honest with yourself. And you’ll need to limit the excuses.



Demetrios Ilias Kanavaros said...

Taken right from your previous post, when explaining that there was no scene prior to your band playing out: "So, we decided to create something."

If that doesn't take ownership for the renaissance of the scene, I don't know what does.

I take no issue with you or your band. Only the irreverence of some of the content in your past two blog posts.

Zero Fun John said...


"So, we decided to create something." That doesn't claim that we created a scene. It claims we created "something". The statement can be translated any way the reader would like. In your case, you translated this to mean I'm claiming the creation of a scene -maybe YOU think that?? You also comment that I've made it personal. To who??? YOU?? I didn't even reference you! Why would I?? In the future, please read carefully, not with your distaste of my band in mind -which is obviously very real-and be objective. I said their was no scene/market for US. I did not say there was no scene. Might as well drop your angle of me "making things personal" and fade back into irrelevance. Not trying to be a dick but you just don't mean that much to me boss.


Field of Dolls Studio said...

I read the posts in the recommended order and these were my personal observations:

I find self-deprecating comments following a list of personal accolades very strange. “I and my bands have done all of this, but all the while never losing sight of how little it all truly is.” Isn’t that an oxymoron? Did he do a lot of great things or did he have nothing of value to add to the art? And if his accomplishments have meant so little why does he continue?

Anyone that makes art of any kind “creates” something every time they work. And saying you have created “something” is a statement of fact. If while creating music you have also worked to try to form a feeling of camaraderie within the community of local bands I think that is admirable. It isn’t narcissism to try to bring a community together and try to get people to experience new things. It IS in fact a benefit to everyone involved. The bands have the backing of the other bands and the fans will have a community of artists that work together not against each other. That will insure of one band gets bored or quits there will still be bands out there for the fans to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Zero Fun John: So what DID you create? You are defending yourself but remain very vague... Demetrios said he has no beef with you but an opinion about some of the stuff you wrote in your post... You are so defensive, what gives? Calling one of your readers irrelevant and telling him he doesn't mean much to you kind of defeats the purpose of having a blog in the first place... How about being grateful for someone taking the time to read your post and even better: Taking the time to write you back... He's entitled to an opinion, and if he really doesn't mean that much, then Again: Why so defensive?