Many of us are familiar with the legendary comic Bill Hicks and his skit about drugs and musical creativity. Here's an excerpt below:
"See I think drugs have done some good things for us. If you don't think drugs have done good things for us then do me a favor. Go home tonight and take all of your records,tapes and all your CD's and burn them. Because, you know all those musicians who made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years? Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreal fucking high on drugs, man."
R.I.P Bill...
But are we as familiar with the fact that the writers/creators of popular children's programs also rely on drug use for their creativity?? Well, I may be speculating here, just a bit perhaps, but it's difficult to argue my theory if you read the following summary for an episode of the popular children's show "Dora The Explorer". Shit, even the name of the show sounds like it came from some creative-type person at some drug-den-type party. Anyway, read on and be enlightened.
"Dora tells the Super Babies a story about how the Dream Fairy's golden rooster got locked out of the Dream Castle and couldn't wake her up to deliver dreams at naptime! This sounds like a job for the Super babies!"
No hard drug influence in that huh?
The episode is named "Happy B-Day Babies" and it flows something like this:
Dora meets up with two flying babies. Apparently their capes make them fly....the flying babies and Dora break into a Happy Birthday song....in the woods they encounter a giant baby --literally a giant's baby.....they proceed onward and encounter the giant who is searching for his missing baby....they approach a mountain in the distance that is shaped like a dragon....as they fly down the hill toward the dragon-shaped mountain, the crew breaks into a "Super Babies" song (pretty catchy tune I might add)....more flying baby stunts ensue (I discover that those aren't capes they're wearing but are actually their blankies)....suddenly and without warning or lead-in, the dialogue breaks into Spanish for an extended period of time....then, they take off in a high-powered, turbo baby cart made for twins (which the Super Babies are)....they encounter a gaggle of small dragons on the dragon-shaped mountain who are singing "eat it ...eat it ...eat it..." over and over.....some counting in the Spanish language occurs....apparently they achieved something upon completion of the Spanish- language counting because a frog, a cricket and a snail, all playing band instruments, fly by the crew on the back of a small dragon (WTF???)....Dora and the Super Babies arrive at the Dream Castle only to find the golden rooster locked out because the Dream Fairy is fast asleep on the inside....they break into the Dream Castle and manage to wake the Dream Fairy....then the whole crew flies off....on their flying journey, they encounter the gaggle of small dragons again and the Dream Fairy fires a number of chili peppers down upon the dragons, causing them to fall asleep....they eventually pass the giant --who has retrieved his previously lost giant baby-- and she (the Dream Fairy) rifles a cloud containing a bunny rabbit towards the duo.....this causes the giant baby to revel in the mere sight of the bunny (apparently this made something "better" although the show does not explain what that may be).....Dora and her crew continue their flight and it takes them into the woods where there are three baby raccoons --not sleeping....she hurls a cloud full of colored stars at them, causing them to fall asleep at last....the journey comes to a conclusion and the whole group of Dora, the Super Babies, a small monkey (haven't even mentioned the monkey yet, it didn't play a huge role either way) and the Dream Fairy sing a compelling version of a song that I think is called "We Did It" (it must be called that because the lyrics repeat "we did it...we did it...we did it..."), complete with MC Hammer-esq dancing....over and over....the snail, the frog and the cricket, still playing the band instruments, now ride small unicycles by the crew(???) as the song is in full swing.
The end.
No drugs involved in that shit???
I think the enlightening part of this whole story is that you obviously watched the entire episode of Dora to be able to deliver such a detailed description. Thank you for that.
I didn't "watch" anything. I did however research the Dora episode...wanted to see what was up with all that Super Babies shit...and the Dream Fairy of course.
The SNL Parody of Dora! Enjoy!
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