Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Hi reader.

Just gonna drop a good ole' fashioned rant/rave on you today. You're welcome!


Holiday shoppers @ The Holyoke Mall. Wow. Just "wow".....I'm traversing my way through droves of frazzled, rushed and obnoxious last-minute shoppers --like myself-- and I was just amazed at their "focus". I'm maneuvering around with a VERY heavy item in my hands, trying to get to my vehicle when a man who seems to be looking right at me as he nervously walks in bee-line fashion towards whatever-the-fuck destination he's going to in the mall, almost walks straight into me. He seemed to have no soul. I glanced at his hollow eyes, burnt out from holiday shopping pressure and a subconscious focus compelling him to arrive --quickly-- at his destination. Well, despite me lugging this very heavy item around, I was forced to side-step him as he plowed ahead on his course, even though I would surely have knocked him over had I not dodged him. He just had to get to the next store....the next purchase....and nothing --including a guy with a very heavy item in hand--was to stop him on this day. There were about fifteen more, similar episodes I dealt with en route to my car in the parking lot....it was really fucking "fun". I won't even mention the environment in the parking lot. It reminded me of what true, uncivilized nature once was. And currently is during the holiday season, at The Holyoke Mall.



Now, good ole ZFJ needed to go purchase a particular supplement that cleanses the system for a short period of time and I knew just where to go. Never mind what the supplement is dammitt!...Anyway, I had remarked to some friends the other night that I was going to get down to Supplement Zone in Springfield because they're the best, and will have what I need. I joked half-heartedly that the owner, who is famous for remembering every customer's name and basic needs, would probably remember my name even though I hadn't been there in three years. I also commented on how he runs such a personalized, attentive, smart and successful business due in large part to his uncanny memory, personable nature and sincerity. But there's no way he could remember my name since it has been so long, right? Today, I walk in the store and Bob (the owner) says "Hi John! It's been awhile...how are you doing??" After picking my jaw up from the ground, I mentioned the conversation I had with friends about him and how he remembers names etc. He replied with "wait, wait...last name...is...St.Onge...". Blew my mind, once again.

That folks, is how you do it!!

Oh yes, one more shameless plug before I go: http://musicattheelevens.blogspot.com
(Venue I'm booking...get familar with this new blog, thanks)



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