Thursday, June 21, 2012

The problem with music these days...

is NOT the artist I'm about to expose you to.

The problem, or a big part of it at least, in my opinion, is that all these neat little avenues for "exposing" our music have exposed us all to too much fucking shit. Shit. Poop. Shit. Artists of the world who are pouring their hearts out, get pissed. Lose your mind. Become delusional, or enhance existing delusions (if you're aware of them) if you have to! Write a song to save the universe. Why be realistic?? Write in the direction you normally shy away from, ....Fuck that numbers shit, fuck the radio. WE choose what WE like these days, and it's all at our fingertips......why "make it"? If you're art is that good, it'll make you. And we'll find you.....Why not? Just fly off the handle; lose your mind; burn bridges; flow; create with reckless abandon.............and remember, like Bjork once said, "If you don't feel as if you would die without it, you're faking it."

Aaand on that note, let's meet Steve Lutke.

Steve Lutke, "Banjo Artist", is an unsigned artist out of the Chicago area(?). He plays the banjo.

He's good at it.

Steve knows how to think big. Real fucking big. And he may be a bit delusional...either way, this is how you fucking do a write up on the back cover of a local-area-released CD!

"If you're a fan of Bela Fleck and Earl Scruggs, then you are going to love Steve Lutke. And if you're a fan of great music, then you're going to love hearing virtuosity and soulfulness all in one musician. Steve is simply one of the greatest musicians of our time (the Michael Jordan of the banjo)and 'Appalachian Uprising' is one of the very best banjo albums ever recorded.

Steve can seemingly do anything -from rip roaring banjo to sensitive sounds and tones only heard on his banjo.

This album contains ALL ORIGINAL music ranging from hardcore bluegrass (containing dangerously high levels of octane considered 'highly illegal' in most jurisdictions) to delicate, sophisticated classical compositions performed accurately and tastefully."

And there's still another paragraph of self-praise to go!! But I'll spare, I wonder....just who may have written all that flattering stuff??? Hmmmm? Anyway, some of my favorite cuts from that write-up are:

"Steve is simply one of the greatest musicians of our time."
"the Michael Jordan of the banjo"
"Steve can seemingly do anything."
and: "...and tones only heard on his banjo"
"ranging from hardcore bluegrass (containing dangerously high levels of octane considered 'highly illegal' in most jurisdictions)"

THAT'S how you get delusional people!!! Shit!! That's how you cut loose.....



confused said...

If you had to sum up what this blog entry was about, what would it be? Cause I'm lost here. All I could get out of this was that artists are delusional and this banjo player is good.

Zero Fun John said...

Well, yep.

Really confusing indeed. It's about how funny I found Steve Lutke's write-up on the back of his CD.

I hope this helps?